KAYWEB  SMO - Facebook

Facebook is the world wide web’s premiere social networking website. With close to 500 million members,

Facebook has redefined social networking by taking significant market share with a tool that encapsulates the attention and time of its members.

KAYWEB provides an array of Facebook Optimization services for businesses, as part of the KAYWEB Social Media Optimization services.

KAYWEB can create Facebook fan pages for client’s businesses, create a strategy for these Facebook fan pages, provide tools for easy updating of Facebook fan pages, and even offer to update Facebook fan pages for clients.

KAYWEB adds the universal Facebook Like button on client’s websites, allowing visitors to signify to their Facebook friends network that they Like content on a particular webpage.

Other Facebook Open Graph implementation, including embedding Facebook login and personalisation, is also provided as custom services by the KAYWEB Social Media Optimization team.