Internet experts KayWeb have reported a surge in enquiries from entrepreneurs wanting to develop their web business ideas in light of the recession.

With job losses on the horizon as large companies look to cut costs in light of diminishing consumer demand for most products and services, entrepreneurs seem to have turned to the web for their next ventures.

"It's been crazy," said KayWeb Managing Director Haig Kayserian. "January to March is usually when people with grand ideas approach us after a long holiday period thinking about where they are at and where they want to go, but the economic downturn has obviously brought the max out in people."

KayWeb has received nearly 50 enquiries from entrepreneurs already this year, wanting price indications to budget for projects that Kayserian describes as "mostly original". Further, KayWeb has received over 18 enquiries in the last month from people who wish to develop a Facebook Application to aid their business' reach on the social networking giant.

Kayserian added: "Some of the ideas coming to our table are magnificent, and with the right backing financially, a number of them have the potential to be the 'next big thing' online.

"Other ideas are pretty crap and the good thing about us I guess, is that we are a very updated web firm and if an idea exists or has been tried, we will grill our potential clients until they prove how they will be different, and how they will succeed where others perhaps haven't."

Meanwhile, KayWeb is launching two massive websites in March, with another big project expecting great media attention due for launch in April or May.

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