
Posted by: Haig Kayserian

Since their introduction, social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, Orkut and Bebo (among others) have attracted millions of users; many of whom have integrated these websites into their daily routine.


There are hundreds of social networking sites that support wide ranging interests and practices. While their key technological features are consistent, the cultures that emerge around these social networking sites are varied. Some facilitate advancing pre-existing social networks and friendships, while others help strangers connect based on shared interests, political views and/or activities, etcetera. Among these websites are those which have incorporated new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-sharing.


As the popularity of of these social networking websites grow, with millions of users all over the world, several innovations have been applied.


One of these innovations includes the ability to connect to other social networking sites, thereby allowing users to share friends, interests and likes. Google for instance, has started a drive to connect all social networking sites by building a platform which allows inter-connectivity among social networking websites. The project is dubbed as Google Open Social.


The biggest move on the social network front occurred recently, when popular social networking websites such as Friendster, Facebook and mySpace introduced applications which users can choose from and add onto their profiles. These applications may be developed by any developer, as access to APIs are readily available. With these interesting developments in social networking, web developers are learning to embrace such platforms for further development.


Web Marketers also have their eyes planted on the social networking phenomenon as these websites have become the foremost marketing tool to reach millions of users world wide. The rise of social networking represents the largest web marketing opportunity since Google.


Posted by: Haig Kayserian

Generating a thumbnail / screenshot of a video has many uses. Many video websites out there, including the ever popular YouTube, use this function to show a static preview of the video through a screen grab or set of screen grabs in image format. You may think it is difficult to create thumbnails from a video file. But I'm here to say 'no, it's not'!


To accomplish this task, I made use of this tool: FFmpeg. First a little information about FFmpeg. If you haven't come across this yet then you're missing out on an excellent bit of software to put in your tool kit. It can convert and stream all manner of video and audio files, it is open source (under LGPL, but with some optional GPL bits), and it is constantly being worked on and developed, thus improved.


FFmpeg's homepage is where you can grab the latest revision from SVN. If you want it for Windows, then one location I found with quite recent builds is


Once I had these tools installed, I was ready to begin utilising FFmpeg to convert a specific point in a video file to a thumbnail image. Using the FFmpeg documentation as resources, I eventually arrived at the following command (which should all be on one line) for generating a thumbnail:


ffmpeg -y -i /path/to/video.avi -f mjpeg -1 -ss 10 -vframes 1 -s 120x90 -an /path/to/picture.jpg


The key components of that command are:

- f mjpeg: specifies that the output should be a JPG
- ss 10: sets that image should be taken from the point 10 seconds from the beginning
- s 120x90: sets the dimension of the image that would be generated


You could use Imagemagick to resize or edit the image generated if you wish, as ffmpeg is not really designed for this.


A tip to consider if you're taking user input for the video file or output image file, then please remember to escape your variables accordingly! Use something like the escapeshellcmd() PHP function.