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With a growing number of Facebook, Twitter and other social network users, it is clear that internet usage is booming. As a result, many business owners are at a crossroads - questioning whether they need a website or, if they already have one, is it working to deliver whatever it is set out to deliver?

The two most common types of websites are.

1. Informational Website

Informational websites are mainly used is to give out information. This could have different purposes - a non-profit organization might deliver information about issues of concern, while a business could use this form of website to market their products and services.

2. Online Stores

Ecommerce websites, or online stores, serve the purpose to offer goods and services for sale and enable online transactions to affect such sales.

As business owners at a crossroads, you must decide which of the categories your website falls into. Is it to give information or to sell? Or is it a more custom need? Then choose your web designer and web developer to get your website designed and developed in an optimized way.

When your website is finally up, the best way to tell if it is working for you is by reviewing your website analytics. The analytics will show how many visitors are coming to your website, where your visitors are coming in from, what keywords people are finding your website under, what your bounce rate is and much more.

If your website has a high bounce rate that means that a majority of visitors are coming into your website and leaving quickly. This is not good! You want visitors to look around your website, and if they are not, your website is not working for you.

Though it sounds easy, reviewing analytics is not general knowledge. It is best to ask for guidance and help of a SEO specialist.

If your website is search engine optimized and still not working, maybe online marketing is the solution for you.

Or... if your website has many issues and is not working for you it may be necessary to start from scratch and get a whole new website.
This might be a little pricey at start but will pay off later.


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